Nootka Saunas


Based in Whistler BC, Canada, Nootka Saunas produce hand made, outdoor saunas. With the website as the main point of sale, Nootka reached a point where they wanted to personalise the product ‘checkout’ process.

As part of this personalisation, the client wanted to create functionality which personalises the shipping options displayed to the user during the checkout process, based on the their location.


  • e-commerce
  • Javascript
  • google maps API
  • web development


To achieve the intended result, we worked together to build a widget that sits on the product page that ‘hooks’ into the checkout process.

As admin users, Nootka required the functionality to add ‘Geographical Areas’ and ‘Shipping Options’ to the back end of the site. An admin could then attach the Shipping Options to a Geographical Area, and then when a user inputted their location, logic was run to check the location against all the Geographic Areas. If the user location was within an area, we then show the user all the shipping rules attached to the area.

Check out a working example of the widget below to see different shipping options being displayed based on different locations.

Add some postal codes to test. Try the following:

V6Z 1E0 (Vancouver)
V0N 1G0 (Bowen Island)
V8E 0B8 (Sea to Sky)


Then try some post/zip codes outside of Canada to see the notification messages.

Fulfillment options

Enter postcode to see delivery options
